
Comfort Care - Peticair Backcare Mattress anti-allergic mattress

Comfort Care - Peticair Backcare Mattress anti-allergic mattress

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Comfort Care - Peticair Backcare Mattress anti-allergic mattress

Comfort Care - Peticair Backcare Mattress anti-allergic mattress

Furniture Free Delivery

Regular price HK$4,099.00
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Peticair Backcare Mattress anti-allergic mattress

Thickness: Approx. 6" / 8"

By adding active probiotics to mattress or pillow fabrics, Peticair can not only reduce mites, mold, pollen, pet dander, etc. attached to various indoor items, but also has a significant effect on pet allergens. Allowing you to enjoy the company of your pet at the same time , also has a clean and fresh sleeping environment.

Peticair can greatly reduce allergens and keep the mattress surface fresh and clean.

The soft cushion layer of PILLOW-TOP greatly increases the comfort of sleepers and makes it easy to fall asleep. The soft pillow-top mattress is a highly comfortable mattress. A high-response pattern is sewn on the top of the mattress. Elastic, high-density foam serves as a soft cushion layer, which can also be called a buffer layer.

In addition to being allergic to HDMA, many people are also allergic to pets. People are allergic to pets from pet hair, a harmless protein. The substances that cause allergic symptoms are called allergens. Pet allergens are found in mattresses and pillows It can be found everywhere on the Internet, in astonishing quantities, and even stays on the fabric for months.

The mattress uses a double conical interlocking spring design, and is additionally equipped with a spine protector layer to provide an extra level of protection for the spine. The mattress fabric is made of high-end and elegant Peticair fabric, which uses the revolutionary nature of 100% natural probiotics and science and technology. Provide you with a clean and healthy sleeping environment.


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